Hi there, we're about to wrap new release of OpenFTS 0.34. From Changes: Add normalization of weight of document by its length, relor and relkov functions accept now additional argument (last): 0 - no normalization (default) 1 - normalized by log(length of document) 2 - normalized by length of document Simplify get_headline (remove parts of get_headline2) Some reorganization of get_sql (split) Fix perl interface to ispell. Now should correctly works under Apache Add an example of simple parser on perl Fix URL of Snowball (now it's snowball.tartarus.org) WARNING: After installation, due to changes of relevation functions, it's required to update openfts.so and add their definitions (with additional argument) to *existed* databases from openfts.sql (see pgsql_contrib_openfts/). You need only following lines: create function relor (float4, float4, int4, int4, int4, _text, int4) returns float4 as '$libdir/openfts' LANGUAGE 'C'; create function relkov (float4, float4, int4, int4, int4, _text, int4) returns float4 as '$libdir/openfts' LANGUAGE 'C';